More on Aristotle
More on Aristotle On Google Fordham University has a number of documents on Aristotle, Athens, and the Greeks. Go to Ancient History Sourcebook: Aristotle on the Lacedaemonian Constitution 340 BCE Fordham University The Lacedaemonians were the Spartans of the city-state of Sparta. In the third paragraph, Aristotle remarks on how some have said that the best constitution (polity) is a combination of the three forms – monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy; “ Some, indeed, say that the best constitution is a combination of all existing forms, and they praise the Lacedaemonian because it is made up of oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy, the king forming the monarchy, and the council of elders the oligarchy while the democratic element is represented by the Ephors; for the Ephors are selected from the people. Others, however, declare the Ephoralty to be a tyranny, and find the element of democracy in the common meals and in the habits of daily life. [In Sparta the wome